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Benefits of Automating Pallet Production

Machine cutting wood
Thad KingThad King
December 15, 2023

Fully automated systems have been a goal of virtually every manufacturer since the water wheel first came about. Today, automated processes in manufacturing rely on sophisticated electronics combined with advanced algorithms, but the mission remains the same: Produce more in a shorter amount of time using the fewest resources possible without affecting product quality.

Pallet companies typically share this same mission, as pallet production relies on speed and efficiency. Managing labor costs is a constant balancing act for pallet production companies, and manufacturing processes have to constantly align with supply chain considerations in order for production to run smoothly.

How Automation Helps Pallet Companies

Automated pallet production provides a number of benefits to pallet producers, and if you’re in the pallet industry, now would be a good time to consider investing in automation.

Below are some key ways automating the pallet production process can benefit your business, customers, employees, and the environment:

Increased Production

Towers of Wooden pallets

Automating the pallet production process increases production greatly. Traditional manual labor comes with restrictions like limited hours of availability.

Automated systems, however, can work 24 hours a day without much downtime, allowing more pallets to be produced. This can allow your company to produce more pallets per day without the typical break requirements that come with an all-human workforce.

Standardization and Compliance

While increased production is one of the main benefits of using automated machines in the pallet production process, pallet manufacturers also benefit from standardization. Once an automated system or algorithm has been programmed or trained, each pallet process will be carried out in the same manner every single time.

This can also be helpful for pallet companies that need to comply with state and federal regulations or when seeking to comply with ISO standards. For instance, ISO 8611 deals directly with pallet manufacturing for materials handling. Using manual labor to comply with these standards may yield hit-or-miss results. Automation should produce pallets or pallet components that comply with ISO standards without fail.

Safer Work Environments

Automatized machines

Automation can also lead to safer work environments. Because automated systems are less prone to errors and can be programmed to do the same tasks in the same manner over and over, there are fewer opportunities for accidents to occur when taking advantage of automated pallet manufacturing technologies.

Additionally, because humans are less physically involved with automated systems, employees can be kept out of harm’s way when you use automation. On top of that, most automated machinery used in pallet production operations includes safety features that automatically engage if a problem is detected.

Improved Marketing Opportunities

Although not directly related to the actual manufacturing of pallets, the use of automated systems can benefit marketing for pallet company professionals. The use of automation can be touted as a benefit to customers in your company’s marketing materials, and the simple fact that your company has embraced automation demonstrates that you’re on the cutting edge of the pallet industry.

The long-term benefit of marketing your automation in the pallet production process is building trust and authority. If a customer compares your pallet company to a competitor, the fact that you use automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other modern digital technologies may make the difference between earning a customer’s business and being overlooked.

Positive Impact on the Environment

Man using an automatized wood cutting machine

Automation in your pallet operations can also have positive environmental impacts. Because automated systems in manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics are efficient, this can mean that less machinery is required to get the same amount of work done. Less machinery often means less power consumption and fewer carbon emissions.

Since automation tends to provide consistent accuracy, your operations may generate less waste by incorporating automation. For example, when cutting raw materials to be processed, small bits of wood that get cut off can add up over time.

Incorporating automation will likely achieve more consistently accurate cuts that leave behind less wasted wood. While these savings may be small individually, they can add up to big savings over the course of months or years, meaning fewer raw materials are needed to manufacture your pallets.

Automation is Not a Complete Solution

Despite the advantages of automation in pallet production, automation alone is not a complete solution. While automation can speed up processes and allow your company to get more done each day, you will still want human oversight. Automation is not perfect, and computer systems run into errors. The idea that you will simply “set it and forget it” can lead to serious complications once a problem arises.

Contact Pallet Marketing Co for Expert Branding and Marketing for Your Pallet Company

To learn more about automating the pallet production process, contact Pallet Marketing Co. We provide pallet branding and marketing solutions from industry experts, and we’re here to help pallet company professionals maximize their reach. Contact our team today to discuss your goals and learn how we can help you achieve them!

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